40 years of president 2 centimeters and 4 minutes
When I was 5 40 is totalitarian
Since the first plays when the box still is the first sport
Was just a play of two cities better to rival Portugal club
Are not the 40 years or five I went to stadium
But the two centimeters Lisbon made a goal
To parallax 5 centimeters is average to normal referee
From the moment of the goal the rival team have till the end to draw
And as it was after a corner concede by Lisbon
More plays to see when for 2 minutes Lisbon lost the league
Is not the feast of champions I expect but the players transference
To Lisbon have been two good years to order the club
After Lisbon sume more 20% of leagues than the rival
Is the rival outdoor wins to disturb Lisbon fans
As anyone fall asleep to just saw four teams champions
Maybe others when there was not even audience
As cricket knows it well the statistics of competition
The Portugal club made a good season last year
And any other club to get the title have to play this year even worst
I saw the rival five of 30 titles but once the futebol club was the exception
I was there on the rival place to see the first play of this city
Later feast as the supporters want
Expect to see in the future a champion more to north
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